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Advanced fuel cells will provide electricity to a geothermal plant in Germany

Californian Bloom Energy announced, that earned  its first customer in Germany, the energy conglomerate EnBW’s (Energie Baden-Württemberg AG) affiliate, Geothermie-Gesellschaft Bruchsal GmbH.
Under the agreement, 300 kilowatts of Bloom’s solid oxide fuel cells will provide base load power to feed the auxiliary loads of Geothermie-Gesellschaft Bruchsal GmbH’s geothermal plant in Bruchsal, a city in Germany’s Upper Rhine plain. The plant supplies heat and electricity and has been part of a research project to extract lithium from geothermal water.

The Bloom fuel cell Energy Server™ can generate electricity from a variety of fuels without combustion, sharply reducing CO2 emissions and air pollution. The platform also generates clean heat, at temperatures greater than 350° Celsius, which offers a unique opportunity for heat recovery. Bloom’s design-build contractor on the project, 2G Energie AG, will handle the heat recovery integration, which will feed the heating grid. This will be Bloom’s first CHP installation in Germany.

“We are pleased that Geothermie-Gesellschaft Bruchsal GmbH has chosen to partner with Bloom Energy for our first installation in Germany,” said Tim Schweikert, Head of Global Sales at Bloom Energy. “Our Combined Heat and Power Energy Servers are attractive to markets that are looking for highly efficient, low emissions, reliable power. We see opportunities for robust growth in Germany.”


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