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Hynion receives an order for a hydrogen station in Norway

Norwegian Hydrogen Elektriske Byggeplasser AS (HEB) will establish a hydrogen hydrogen filling station station in Region Sør with help of Swedish company Hynion, announced in release.

The station, which will be operational during Q1 2024 in Kristiansand, will function as a demo station to supply the region’s hydrogen vehicles with hydrogen. The goal is to get started with hydrogen-powered vehicles for several different applications in the region. The current order from HEB also includes a service agreement for 5 years.

“We are very happy about this collaboration with HEB. It is clear that hydrogen-powered heavier vehicles will also be in use shortly and we are prepared to contribute to the infrastructure for hydrogen being in place,” says in press-release Slavica Djuric, CEO Hynion AS.

“For us, this collaboration is perfect,” says Even Askildsen, CEO Hydrogen Elektriske Byggeplasser AS, and continues: “Now we can get started with real hydrogen transport and other hydrogen applications very quickly, while also giving us time to plan for more stations, vehicles and work machines

Hynion builds, owns and operates hydrogen stations in and around the largest cities in Scandinavia. The company builds on experience from the last 20 years,
including world-leading projects such as HyNor, CUTE, Utsira wind / hydrogen,CEP Berlin, SHHP, NewBusFuel and H2ME, to name a few.

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