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Six projects will establish electrolysis capacity on more than 280 MW in Denmark

The Danish Energy Agency  revealed the winners of the first Danish Power-to-X (PtX) tender ever. PtX is an essential technology in the green transition of Denmark in order to meet climate neutrality by 2050. The bidding companies has applied for more than four billion DKK, which is more than three times the budget of 1.25 billion DKK.

The winning projects are Plug Power Idomlund Denmark, European Energy/Vindtestcenter Måde K/S, European Energy/Padborg PtX ApS, Electrochaea/Biocat Roslev and European Energy/Kassø PtX Expansion ApS. Those five projects will receive the full budget they have applied for in the bidding process. The sixth winner HyProDenmark/Everfuel will be offered a reduced budget.

The six winning projects have bid with different support needs and different electrolysis capacities. The lowest subsidy price is from the Plug Power Idomlund Denmark project with a price of 9,3 DKK pr. GJ green hydrogen produced. The support will be given as a fixed subsidy price over a period of 10 years.

The six project will establish a total electrolysis capacity of more than 280 MW. The table below summarizes the six winning projects.

PriceCompany/projectLocalisationTotal subsidyCapacity of plant
9,3000 DKK/GJPlug Power Idomlund DenmarkHolstebro107.673.447 DKK100 MW
40,0000 DKK/GJEuropean Energy/Vindtestcenter Måde K/SEsbjerg43.994.973 DKK9 MW
46,0000 DKK/GJEuropean Energy/Padborg PtX ApSPadborg910.800.000 DKK150 MW
59,9998 DKK/GJElectrochaea/Biocat RoslevRybjerg71.279.762 DKK10 MW
67,0000 DKK/GJEuropean Energy/Kassø PtX Expansion ApSRødekro81.879.549 DKK10 MW
67,4998 DKK/GJHyproDenmark/Everfuel(Marginal bidder)FredericiaThe rest of the budget

Press release

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