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ITM Power Launched the Hybrid Stack with Efficiency Improvement of Circa 10%

ITM Power announced the launch of its Hybrid Stack, which provides existing ITM customers, who operate earlier MEP generation products, the opportunity to benefit from a circa 10% efficiency improvement.

The Hybrid Stack makes available advancements incorporated into company’s latest TRIDENT stack platform, to earlier MEP generation electrolysers. In this way, operators of ITM electrolyser systems maintain access to our technology improvements as they become available.

The Hybrid Stack has undergone robust validation and testing at ITM’s facilities and in the field, where operational data has shown that an efficiency improvement of circa 10% is achieved. This reduces electrolyser operating costs proportionately.

Dennis Schulz, CEO ITM, said: “The Hybrid Stack makes our latest technology available to existing customers who can now take full advantage of efficiency improvements.”

Headquartered in Sheffield, England, ITM Power designs and manufactures electrolysers based on proton exchange membrane (PEM) technology to produce green hydrogen, the only net zero energy gas, using renewable electricity and water.

Press release

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