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First Hydrogen Corp. has signed a term sheet with  EV Technologies Inc. to develop a high-power compact battery that is state of the art and designed specifically for hydrogen-powered-fuel-cell vehicles. First Hydrogen and EVT will undertake the preparation  of a commercial partnership agreement outlining technical requirements and investment. First Hydrogen will  own all intellectual property developed during and in relation with the partnership, which shall be used for the  sole purpose of manufacturing the Battery. 

The Company’s engineering team and automotive partners have determined that the new battery system being  developed and designed will have greater efficiency and increased performance for its hydrogen-powered fuel-cell-vehicles (FCEV). The new battery design will integrate with the hydrogen fuel cell in the vehicles for the hydrogen powered vehicle market (FCEV). First Hydrogen assessed the latest battery technologies  offered globally that lead to Quebec-based EVT, a recognized leader in developing innovative, reliable and  high-performance traction battery system, after being unable to locate a battery that would meet First  Hydrogen’s strict specifications. 

First Hydrogen’s hydrogen-powered FCEV’s have accumulated more than 10,000 km through testing  including road trials with UK fleet owners and operators, RIVUS and utility company SSE plc. The FCEV  have demonstrated a range of 630 km on a single refuelling, easily doubling the range of electric light  commercial vehicle (240 km). First Hydrogen is dedicated to ongoing enhancements in product quality and  advancements in vehicle powertrain performance.  

Global Market Insights reported the light commercial vehicle market surpassed US$7.8 trillion in 2022 and is  anticipated to grow at 9% CAGR to US$19.9 trillion from 2023 to 2032. Increasing vehicle emission  regulations, advancements in vehicle safety, introduction of advanced driver assistance systems (“ADAS”) in  vehicles, and the rapidly growing retail and e-commerce sectors contribute significantly to the demand for new  and advanced commercial vehicles. The logistics and e-commerce industries are expanding rapidly, propelling  industry demand.  

Vincent Darlix, CEO of EVT, stated: “Today marks a significant milestone in our journey towards a  sustainable future. EVT Batteries is grateful for the opportunity to provide our innovative batteries to First  Hydrogen. This partnership reinforces EVT Batteries’ commitment to delivering a product with the highest  performance and safety.” 

Balraj Mann, Group CEO of First Hydrogen, commented: “As we work towards the development of our  hydrogen production facility and vehicle manufacturing plant in Shawinigan, it is important to work on  structuring a strong supply chain with regional and local partners. Partnering with EVT, a Quebec-based supplier, is a key component to our development and growth.”

Photo of First Hydrogen

Press release

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