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HyEnergy Hydrogen Project Begins Environmental Approval Process

Province Resources Ltd confirmed that the environmental approval process of the HyEnergy green hydrogen development has commenced with a referral of the project to Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).The referral of the proposal under Section 38 of the Environmental Protection Act allows the regulator to begin the process of examining potential environmental impacts.The referral allows the EPA to make an assessment on the project as the Company continues with more detailed technical studies and progressing other government approvals.The Westen Australian Government recently reformed the referral process to ensure the environmental assessment would not “stop the clock” on other government decisions, which had previously been the case.The environmental referral is supported by nearly three years of studies already undertaken by the Company on the HyEnergy® Project. These include regular on-site surveys covering flora and vegetation, terrestrial fauna, turtles and birds.The referral covers the smaller scale development which would be located on the Town Common north of Carnarvon, and the large-scale development which would incorporate up to six pastoral stations in the region.

Province CEO and Managing Director David Frances said the EPA referral was important to ensure approvals for the project were delivered in a timely manner.“The environmental work we have already undertaken across the project area provides a sound platform to begin our approval processes,” Mr Frances said.“We are pleased the government has acted to ensure environmental approvals can be considered without delaying other government decision-making processes.”This announcement has been approved by the Board.

Photo of Province Resources Ltd

Press release

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