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SFC Energy AG, TEST-FUCHS GmbH, Auto AG Group start serial production of the H₂Genset

SFC Energy AG , a leading supplier of hydrogen and methanol fuel cells for stationary and mobile hybrid power solutions, TEST-FUCHS GmbH from Austria and the Auto AG Group from Switzerland, are transferring the latest generation of the emission-free mobile hydrogen generator H₂Genset into serial production after a successful market test phase consisting of extensive field tests e.g. by construction companies, telecommunications provider or festival operators, the SFC Energy announced.

The latest generation offers an improved user interface, simplifying the operation and (cloud-based) monitoring from a user perspective. A unique selling point is the possibility of refuelling the integrated tanks of the H₂Genset at hydrogen filling stations. The successful CE certification proves the conformity of the product with the applicable European directives and standards and thus paves the way for a broad market entry of the H₂Genset in Europe. Only in April 2022, SFC Energy, TEST-FUCHS and Auto AG Group signed a cooperation partnership for the joint development of the H₂Genset. Accordingly, it took just 24 months from the initial idea to serial production readiness. The trailer-mounted power generator produces reliable and emission-free energy and is designed for 10 kW nominal and 28 kW peak output.

Thanks to its mobile design, the H₂Genset enables flexible and time-saving use at any location with no conventional power grid or where an interruption-free power supply must be ensured. Applications include for example outdoor festivals, events, construction sites and the protection of critical infrastructures against power failures. So far, diesel generators are often used to secure the power supply, but their noise and harmful emissions are a burden on people and the environment. The H₂Genset not only represents an emission-free alternative, but also enables users to sustainably reduce their carbon footprint and significantly contribute to environmental protection. With these advantages of mobile and emission-free energy generation, the H₂Genset has already been awarded the Karl Ritter von Ghega-Prize Innovation Prize by the state of Lower Austria.

Dr. Peter Podesser, CEO of SFC Energy AG: “Just within a few months and together with our partners TEST-FUCHS GmbH and Auto AG Group, we developed a mobile power solution ready for serial production that has never existed in this form before. This partnership demonstrates how quickly things can happen and shows what is possible when several companies pull together to develop an ecological and clean energy source. With its emission-free hydrogen technology, the H₂Genset can be used wherever a self-sufficient power supply is required and fossil energy generators have been used until now.”

Volker Fuchs, CEO of TEST-FUCHS GmbH: “Together, all project partners have set a milestone in the research and development of this mobile power supply. Without question, the H₂Genset sets new standards in the flexible use of hydrogen for power generation. It enables users who previously relied on conventional fossil energy sources for their mobile power supplies to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. We are convinced that the H₂Genset has great market potential.”

Marc Ziegler, CEO of Auto AG Group: “The H₂Genset is the result of three innovative partners bundling their know-how. With it, we are opening a new chapter in emission-free, mobile electricity production and that makes us very proud. Thanks to its technological features, the H₂Genset offers numerous advantages, regardless of its intended use and whether its operation requires continuous or peak power. For us, it is certain that, with its hydrogen technology, the H₂Genset will be an important element of an off-grid, climate-neutral energy supply in the future.”

Photo of SFC Energy AG

Press release

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