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Hydrocell presents control unit for hydrogen and electric marine drives

Hydrocell will present at the Salone Nautico Venezia (May 29 – June 2, 2024) the project for the refitting of the boat “Nobody’s Perfect,” a 17-meter-long ship built in Bordeaux in 1978. The “Nobody’s Perfect” will feature the first hydrogen propulsion system controlled by a control unit developed by Hydrocell.

Imagine a fuel cell as the heart of the drive, and Hydrocell offers with “HYMAR control” a high-tech brain capable of adapting and controlling any type of propulsion system, the company reported.

The innovation of Hydrocell, a South Tyrolean company, lies in the ability to combine propulsion systems with different characteristics. The solution proposed by Hydrocell can adapt to any drive because it is modular and integrable. An “intelligent” ECU capable of analyzing the different characteristics of each engine guarantees perfect and efficient control. In this way, all the advantages of hydrogen can be exploited: greater range and faster refueling, no emissions, lower investments with greater range.

Press release

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