An important step towards concretising the Southern Hydrogen Corridor: On 14 October, European and Algerian companies agreed in the Algerian city of Oran to jointly promote the export of green hydrogen to the EU. The companies involved want to examine the technical and economic feasibility of the entire value chain, from production to export to the EU.
The letter of intent was signed by the German energy companies VNG AG, the Italian grid operator SNAM, the Italian company SeaCorridor, the Austrian energy company VERBUND and the Algerian energy company Sonatrach and its subsidiary Sonelgaz.
Parliamentary State Secretary at the BMWK Stefan Wenzel: ‘The merger of these companies is an important step towards realising the southern hydrogen corridor. The BMWK is supporting the corridor together with Austria and Italy.’
The declaration of intent goes back to a German-Algerian hydrogen task force initiated by Minister Robert Habeck in February 2024. Cooperation with Italy and Austria was formalised with a further joint declaration of intent in May 2024.
Photo of BMWK
Press release