70 proposals have been received, aligned with the PNH2 strategy, in all regions of the country, with various production sources, for different industrial uses
The Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil (MME) disclosed the result of the selection of low carbon emission hydrogen hub projects, aimed at decarbonizing the Brazilian industry. 70 proposals were received, with projects from 20 states, covering all regions of Brazil.
The proposals will include hydrogen produced from electricity (connected to the energy grid of the National Interlinked System – SIN), wind, solar, ethanol, biomass and other sources. The amount of hydrogen produced by the project varied from 1 thousand to 350 thousand tons per year.
The proposals selected at this stage will be invited to participate in the next phase of the process, which will consist of presenting in detail the projects for better characterization and informed data of the project and how CIF-ID resources can be allocated to support its viability. The best project proposals validated may be eligible for the resource of the international fund Climate Investments Funds – Industry Decarbonization CIF-ID, in which Brazil is participating under the coordination of the Secretariat of International Affairs (SAIN) of the Ministério da Fazenda, with the participation of the MME and MDIC .
The National Hydrogen Program (PNH2), through the Triennial Work Plan 2023-2025, established as a goal for the Brazilian hydrogen strategy the consolidation of low emission hydrogen hubs in Brazil until 2035.
Press release and result of the hydrogen hub call