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Port Houston Awarded $25 M Grant for Pipeline-Based Hydrogen Refueling Station

The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced that the agency awarded nearly $25 million in grant funding to the Port of Houston Authority (Port Houston) as part of a public-private collaboration between Port Houston and Linde Inc. (Linde), a leading industrial gases company, with additional partners GTI Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, and Center for Houston’s Future. This award will be used to construct and operate a hydrogen fueling station for heavy-duty trucks.

The project, Bayport HRS, will result in an innovative pipeline-based Hydrogen Refueling Station (HRS), which will offer high fueling throughput with convenient and publicly accessible fueling options, further enabling supply chain development in Texas and the Gulf-Coast region. Linde will design, construct, own and operate the new facility, creating a cost-effective heavy-duty (HD) truck hydrogen fueling station in Bayport, Texas.

Photo of Port Houston

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