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Enagás confirms Europe’s interest in green hydrogen with the third Enagás Hydrogen Day in Madrid 

The third Enagás Hydrogen Day took place in Madrid. The event was inaugurated by the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez. 

According to Enagás CEO Arturo Gonzalo Aizpiri, the company and its partners in the H2Med project registered 528 hydrogen projects from 168 companies from Spain, Portugal, Germany and France as part of a competition they launched last November to gauge interest in infrastructure development, Spanish newspaper ABC.ES reported.

Arturo Gonzalo described the figures as a ‘great success’ as they show support for the entire European hydrogen value chain and confirm ‘the great demand for green hydrogen in Europe’.

The Enagas director said that H2Med represents a ‘benchmark of maturity in Europe’ thanks to the ‘strength’ of co-operation with project partners Portugal’s REN, France’s GRTgaz and Teréga and Germany’s OGE.

In November 2024, Enagás, together with its partners, launched the first call for proposals for a pan-European hydrogen corridor, H2med, which was finalised last December.

The purpose of this ‘call for interest’ was to identify needs in all areas covered by the corridor and, in particular, the needs of the national hydrogen backbone networks that the five initiators will set up for implementation in 2030.

The H2med project is a transnational initiative between Portugal, Spain, France and Germany to interconnect the hydrogen networks from the Iberian Peninsula to Northwestern Europe. It will unlock the potential of a hydrogen economy and enable Europe to meet its decarbonisation and reindustrialisation objectives thanks to an affordable green hydrogen supply by 2030. The H2med Corridor includes a hydrogen interconnection between Portugal and Spain, CelZa (Celorico da Beira – Zamora), with a capacity of 0.75 million tons (Mt) per year, as well as a maritime pipeline connecting Spain to France, BarMar (Barcelona – Marseille), with a 2 Mt/year capacity. Both interconnections have been included in the list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) published on the 8th of April 2024. 

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